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Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Today I received an email stating that my story "Flirting In Short Messages" will feature in the final list of stories to be published by Penguin in the Sulekha-Penguin "India Smiles Contest."

I didn't believe it. So I phoned the concerned person in Sulekha who confirmed the news.

You can read "Flirting in Short Messages" here.

Seems 2006 will begin on an encourging note, after a personal tragedy.



Miss Frangipani said...

What a nice story! Is it true?! It's very plausible! Oh how I miss my BEST buses (ok,ok, not all the time, but on some days like today when buses stop after 6 and I have to rely on one...).

Congratulations and good luck with the contest!


Unknown said...

Hi Chryselle,

It isn't 100 per cent true. May be 25 per cent.
