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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

How to Shine in a Seminar/Conference/Conclave (Well, Whatever)!

We all have been to that conference/seminar/gettogether (whatever they call them) and felt awkward, shy, and gawky. There are other seminars/conferences (well, you get the gist) where you have been stars of the show. There have been occasions when you know most of the people in the room and yet you hesitate to go and speak to someone. Shyness. Reticence. Self-effacement. Call it what you will. There are events where you distinctly felt that ache in the tummy that made you sick for the rest of the evening. 

Yes, and more...

What is it that makes you click? Or, what makes you sick? Peter Bregman seems to have the answer, or, so he thinks, writing for the Harvard Business Review Blog. So, um, next time

I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here.

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