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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Political Killings in God's Own Country

That political killing is a reality in India is a fact. It's an occupational hazard one could say. In India, it's common to find political rivalry being settled with a knife or a gun. However, it's strictly hush-hush in Kerala, the state I come from. If the party is in power, no investigation is carried out and no case is taken up. Only the dead man's wife and children feel the pain, the silence, and suffer the ignominy. But when a Communist Party (Marxist) politician declaims from the stage that his party has killed people, it becomes an unbelievable oddity, a gaffe even a village idiot cannot commit in his right mind. Whether Mani who said this on stage was inebriated you will have to judge from this video on youtube.

He also graphically states how the murders were done. "On was stabbed, another was short, another was beaten to death," so he claims. How gruesome such admissions can be? How heartless can leftist politics be? I don't know.

I just returned from my summer holiday in Kerala. A short one. On the superficial level Kerala is beautiful: swaying palms; thick jungles of mango trees, jackfruit trees, cashew trees; endless paddy fields; limpid rivers; striking shadows that cast the blackest of shades; everything feels like, well, God's Own Country. But does God's country have a sordid history of political killings? Would justice be done to those killed now that first-hand evidence exists from the person of Mani?  


I am @johnwriter on Twitter and John.Matthew on Facebook. I blog here. View my Youtube Channel Page. Read about my novel Mr. Bandookwala, M.B.A., Harvard.

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